We Are Getting Married

Andrei &​ Andreea

Save The Date

September 14th 2024

Our Story

Our story began almost ten years ago, in the bustling halls of our university. It was there, in 2014, that our paths crossed, and a journey together began. Since then, we've learned to navigate life's twists and turns, side by side.



Now, in 2024, we want to take a moment to celebrate our love. Not just with each other, but with all the wonderful people who have been a part of our journey. We're ready to say "YES" to what the future holds, together, hand in hand.

You Are My Today, And All Of My Tomorrows

Andrei & Andreea

Event Details

Don't hesitate to ask us if you have any further questions.

Getting there

~30 min driving from Timișoara. Regular buses from Timișoara to the event venue and back will be available.

Things to see

If you wanna explore around Timișoara, click here for some of our recommendations.

What to Wear

Whatever you feel comfortable in. Most people will likely wear formal attire.


Entertainment and music are provided at the event. Hopefully, you don't have to worry about being bored.

Food & Drinks

Food and drinks are provided at the event. Don't worry about being hungry or thirsty.


The event venue does not have accomodation. We recommend finding accomodation in Timișoara.

Will You Attend?

Please complete the attached form until August 11th to confirm your attendance.

View form in full screen.

When & Where

We'd love to see you soon!

Religious Ceremony

The Party